
Conference on Saint Maria of Paris

On February 25, after the Divine Liturgy and the agape meal (around 1:00 p.m.), Paul Ladouceur will give a conference on Saint Maria of Paris (Mother Maria Skobtsova). The conference will be abundantly illustrated...


The prosphora (Προσφορά) is translated from Greek as offering. In the Church of the first centuries, any offering, whether liturgical wine, oil, candles, etc., was called prosphora. The deacons noted the names of the...

Parish meeting

Dear parishioners! On Saturday, November 25th, after the Divine Liturgy, in our church refectory a Parish meeting will be held. Anyone can take part!

The new cross for our church

Father Constantin, Preoteasa Anisoara and son Bogdan Simeon created this beautiful cross for our church. We are grateful for their hard work and kindness for this donation. Fr. Constantin is priest of Sts Constantine...