
Parable of the Prodigal Son

Once again, Christ is surrounded by Pharisees and scribes for whom the exterior takes precedence over the interior (“The Pharisees and the scribes murmured, saying: This man welcomes the wicked and eats at their...

Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee

“O Giver of life, open to me the doors of repentance” – is the first liturgical song which reminds us of the approach of Great Lent.Christ told the parable of the publican and the...

The Meeting of the Lord

Ἡ Ὑπαπαντὴ τοῦ Κυρίου or Hypapante is translated as The Meeting of the Lord. Historically, that is to say apparently, it reminds us of the meeting of Saint Simeon Theodochus and the child Christ....